Welcome back to another collective review ! We had such ups and downs in this bookclub (more downs than ups to be honest). But Solene and I seem to have reach a point of picking good books we might actually like. Here is our review of The Seven Husband of Evelyn Hugo:
Why did you decide to read this book?
E: I had this book in my TBR for quite some time now. I hesitated between reading Daisy Jones and the Six and The Seven Husband of Evelyn Hugo, because they were having a tv show/movieadaptation. People were saying that I would cry reading Evelyn Hugo and because I like to hurt, I really wanted to read it. Solene and I were supposed to read separate books, annotates them and then exchange them, but because I was lazy, I started reading and annotating The Seven Husband of Evelyn Hugo then forgot about it. Solene wanted to read the book as well so we decided we would do a collective review and buddy read it.
S: Tiktok made me buy it ? To be honest, I’ve been in a sort of reading slump, trying to figure out what would be my next book. As it turned out, this book caught both our eyes, so we went for it !
Before reading it, what were your expectations?
E: I had heard only good things about the author Taylor Jenkins Reid and the book so I had high expectations.
S: Lots … but also nothing. I’ve learned the hard way to not trust popular opinions on books, as we all seem to want something else from our readings. We’ve read a lot of beloved books that just weren’t « it » at all for us…
After the first chapter, did you wanted to read more?
E: I struggled a lot with reading this book. Not because it was not good, but because I am a mood reader and I was not in the mood for this story. After reading the first chapter which was written has an article, I wanted to read more because I was intrigued. I think I read like 20 pages before stopping. It was… interesting.
S: Absolutely. It was very intriguing and engaging. I think I read the whole thing in about 4 days. Loved the story that was proposed & the writing.
Rate this book on a scale from 1 to 10?
E: On a scale from 1 to 10, I would say a 7,5. I think there are books I enjoyed reading more than this book but at the same time, it’s a pretty good book.
S: 7,5. It was good, easy to read, very original too. It just lacked that « wow » factor for me to give a better grade.
Favourite character? Most hated character?
E: Favourite character was Harry Cameron. He was really sweet and the best husband for Evelyn. Of course I hated Don for obvious reasons. However, I was also not a real fan of Celia… She seemed a little bit annoying even thought her reactions were humans.
S: Evelyn. This is all about her, and she’s such an intriguing, glamorous character that you keep wanting to know. I didn’t hate any of the characters, except some of the husbands, but I believe that was the point of them.
Would you recommend this book?
E: I would definitely recommend this book to friend. Recently my best-friend started reading romance novels and I have been a proud mom. I don’t know if I would recommend this book for her because it is a romance but I am not sure she will be fan of the story. I recommended this book to a friend and cannot wait for her to read it.
S: Yes. It’s an easy read, could get you out of a reading slump.
What could have been done by the author for you to enjoy even more the book?
E: I think the author could do nothing for this book. I was the one who was not in the mood to read it.
S: It was perfect for what it was, perhaps a bit too long at times.
Final thoughts:
E: I am excited to read more books written by TJR because I love her writing style and I like her stories. I bought Daisy Jones and the Six recently in the UK for 3£ and I am excited to read it. Solene and I talked about reading it together so we might make a collective review of this book. It also feels good to read a book we both enjoy with Solene. I hope the next read will be as good.
S: I loved the idea of this mysterious woman about to give the answers everybody knows - but even while spilling her secrets, still knowing something you don’t. I think her character was really well thought out. I loved that unlike the title suggests, this is not about the husbands, not really. It’s not even really about Evelyn Hugo. Even though Everything is always about her, because she’s inevitable, because she’s so much of a force you simply cannot miss her.
What’s next?
E: I am currently reading around 5 books at the same time and I am in the mood for none… I bought new books while being in the UK so I might try to read one of them.
S: « A good girl’s guide to murder » (unless I change my mind)
As for the collective reading, we are hesitating between We Were Villains, Our Dark Duet (to finally finish the duology) or... completely different: I'm glad my mother died.