Hello everyone ! We are nearly at the end of 2020 and yet... I wanted to share my 2020 To-Be Read List with you and give you an update on how much of it I read (spoiler alert : not that much !). I made this list at the beggining of the year with the books I really wanted to read this year. This is actually a short list as I never want to stress myself out by putting too many books. I tried to buy and read more books with LGBTQ+ characters as you will see in this TBR list. My goal on Goodreads was to read as least 12 books this year and I succeeded ! This list is just the main books I was hoping on reading this year :
1) La Mélansire - Estelle Fitz : This is actually the only French book on this list and it is also a book that I actually read. This book was written by a French Youtuber that I liked and the summary seemed to be interesting. It was the first book I read this year and... it was such a disappointment... The story was such a clichee. The characters were the most annoying people and I just wanted to slap them. Moreover, the love story came out of nowhere. Some people liked the book but it was just not for me...
2) I Wish You All The Best - Mason Deaver : I knew I had to read this book this year and I did. So many people were recommending this book and I just could not skip it. It was the first book I read with a non-binary character. I might do a review later on this year !
3) Girls of Paper and Fire - Natasha Ngen : I am actually cheating with this book because it was not on my original TBR list but I was gifted this book by a friend. I read it so fast and decided to add it to my list. It is the first book to a serie and I have bought the second book. I realied that I did not read enough lesbian/WLW stories and I had to change it with this book.
4) Loveless - Alice Oseman : The second I got this book, I read it. I have prepared a post about my love for Alice Oseman, it should arrive soon on the blog. Once again, I was not disappointed with Alice's book. Loveless is my first book about aromanticism and asexuality.
5) The Foxhole Court - Nora Sakavic : I actually started reading this book... Unfortunately I am not liking it and therefore am on a break. I might pick it up later because I know a lot of people love the characters and the story. It also has been on my TBR for so long. It is really cool that the first book is free to download.
6) Call Down The Hawk (I) - Maggie Stiefvater : I really need to stop starting reading books and then giving up. I read the Raven Cycle series in September last year and fell in love with Maggie's universe. I also read the Wolves of Mercy Falls's series. However, I keep pushing my reading of Call Down The Hawk even though I miss Adam and the other characters. I really need to read this book before the second book comes out... Quick quick quick !
7) Six of Crows - Leigh Bardugo : Everyone is telling me to read it. I have bought this book many many years ago and yet... I have never read it. To be fair, I have the French edition of this book but I want to read the English one... I am so difficult when it comes to books. I also have so much expectations for this book and if those are not met, I will probably give up very easily. Six of Crows your time will come I promise ! One day...
8) Frankly In Love - David Yoon : Guess what ? I have started this book but did not continue reading it. Why am I such a mess ? I did not really enjoy the writing and I need to be in the right mood for this book. Will I read it before 2021 ? Not sure !
9) Only Mostly Devastated - Sophie Gonzales : I put this book on the list even thought I have not purchased it... I was waiting for the paperback version and now I am waiting for money to buy it. I was sooo excited when the plot came out : West Side Story but make it gay ? SIGN ME UP ! I might buy it soon but I think it will end up on the 2021 TBR List... Oopsy !
10) The Testaments - Margaret Atwood : I had so much trouble getting this book because I preordered it when I was in the UK and then forgot that I was moving back to France before its coming out... Thankfully I had a good friend in the UK to send it to me ! I was supposed to read it before my exams on Dystopia this year but then Corona Virus happened and... well I was not in the mood to read it. It could be a good way to end the year though... what do you think ?
And that is it for the list ! I still have so many books to read and so little time, I do not think I will read all of them. What about you ? Do you make a list of books you want to read or do you just go with the flow ? Do not hesitate to tell me which books on my list you want me to review or to read next ! I hope you saw some books that you also wanted to read.
Thank you for reading ! Bye !