If you have clicked on this article, it is because you were hoping to see my list of resolutions for 2021, but the truth is this: I HATE resolutions. It’s not about not fulfilling them, it’s more about the pressure I put on myself and the disappointment I have when I fail. This year, I have no resolutions, just hope for the year.
We already put so much pressure on ourselves for everything. I do not think that giving ourselves unachievable goals for this year will help us become better people. I am not saying that having goals is bad, I am just saying that putting so much pressure on them is.
There are so many things I want to do this year, but the truth is that 2020 showed us how things can change in an instant. In 2020, I had so many plans for travels, I wanted to stay in shape and had a subscription at a gym, I wanted to write and read more. Out of all of this, reading more was the only thing I did this year, thanks to lockdown. All my travels were cancelled and gym was closed. I still continued sport with my mom but it was not the same honestly. It was so frustrating to have so many plans and not being able to achieve them.
This year will be different: I will not force myself to set goals or plans, I will try to let them come to me. Of course, I have so many hopes for the new year, like everyone. However, I do not want the pressure of having a perfect year. Let’s have a great unperfect year!
I still want to improve my Japanese (those hiragana and katakana are already killing me…). I also want to plan a travel as soon as I get the vaccine for the Covid. I want to upload more on this blog as well. I want to read at least one book a month. I would like to get an internship in England. I want too many things and I will work to get those things but also, I want to let myself rest and fail. I want it to be ok if I do not have everything I want. This year is the year for the pressure of being perfect to disappear.
The most important thing this year for everyone is to stay safe and healthy! Do not let your resolutions put too much pressure on you. It is ok to go slowly and not fulfill all your goals. This post is a sign for you not to take your resolutions too seriously.
Happy New Year Everyone! Take care of yourselves.